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Pat Pend.
During Halloween of 1996, a small concrete project was needed to
be completed before the, winter season would set in. The creator's
father had given his son, the creator some money to go to the
lumber store down the street. The creator's father had asked him
to pickup an 80-pound bag of concrete. The creator wasn't sure if
the weight of the bag was going to snap the rear wheel axel on
not. He had hoped that, the lubrication technology would compromise
for that instead of the rear wheel axel snapping. The creator had
arrived at the town's local lumber store. This is a lumber store
next to a busy street which is between a fast food restaurant and
a furnace / air conditioner store with a small trailer park lot behind
the main lumber wear house. The creator had purchased the bag of
concrete, placed the 80-pound bag inside the milk crate or trunk
and road home on his bike. The lubrication technology was a
A few days before,
Thanksgiving day of 1996, the creator's mother had given the creator a
list of food to get for the, Thanksgiving dinner. In this case, the
creator was lucky this time, to be asked to only purchase a 15 pound
turkey instead of the family traditional 25 pound turkey every year.
Where would the creator be able to fit a turkey that huge in a milk
crate while trying to figure out where to put the rest of the,
Thanksgiving food? The creator's both parents had figure that since
there is, themselves and their son, the creator now living in the house,
why would a larger turkey required since all three of the creator's
siblings had moved out of the house. |
As the weather got cooler and cooler, the creator's father and his mother both
had asked their son, the creator to stop searching for jobs for a
while and stay home unless of they needed the creator to go to
somewhere on his, "Thombogo Sunset Model 1996
Country Style Class" bike. One weekend night, the creator
was looking at his 8-bit video game cartridges . He yet, had no idea
who he could sell them too. He needed money to save up for a car or
save up for insurance if he wanted to drive one of his parent's vehicles.
Later that night, the created needed to do some general tweaking on
his bike in order to prepare for the winter season. In the workshop,
the creator had listen to is favorite radio station while performing
his work on the bike. There was a location where the, "Killer
Bee" radio truck was going to hang out somewhere at a well
known amusement theme park for the, Halloween
season. This location was slightly over seventy miles north from the creator's
home town. There creator didn't have any intentions to ride his
bike all that
way which, could lead into the next day if he road all that way to the amusement theme park. This amusement theme
park is known for its six flags as the creator had known.
The creator had
gotten home and given the groceries to both of his parents along
with the change from his pocket. His both parents has asked him to
keep the change for the deed which he had done by getting the food.
Due to the way the, "Thombogo Sunset Model 1996
Country Style Class" bike was built, the bike wasn't
to be flipped over in order to change the front or/and the rear tire
and/or tubes on the bike. The bike needed to be at a topside or
upright position at all times to avoid any leakage from the battery
and other situations which could damage the bike. A set of chains
were used as a harness to lift the rear section of the bike in the
workshop. The lift was a success as the creator had thought to
himself. The creator had gotten down to remove the rear wheel from
the bike. After removing the tire from the rim, the tube itself was
ripped apart from the glass. The creator was unable to patch the
tube like this. The tear in the tube was beyond repair. With the
money which, the creator was asked by his both parents to
keep, he had walk down the street to the department store next
door to the grocery store with-in the same building. He had
purchased a bike tire and tube and headed on back home on foot. He made the
necessary repairs to his bike. The, "Thombogo Sunset Model 1996
Country Style Class" bike was back in operation. The
creator needed accomplish this knowing there was no other logical transportation
to use. |
While packing the,
Thanksgiving food into the milk crate, the creator did remember his
both parents again, to leave off from finding a job for a while and
stay home, take care both of them until spring and then search for
employment again. Down the road while heading back to home, the
creator's rear tire had popped a half a block down the street from his
home. There was broken glass on the street from a bottle which had
contained alcohol in it. The creator was able to make out of what the label
was from the busted bottle. The bottle was distributed from a brewery company. Why
does this happen when something like this could pop other bike tires
as the creator had thought. The creator had gotten off his bike and
walked the bike to his home with the turkey and the groceries weighing
down the rear wheel making it harder to pull the bike. |
This is a
great park for families to come to and hang out at especially
during holidays as the creator had felt. There were allot of trees with plenty
of shade and a public pool off to the north-east side of the
park. The creator loved the lay out of the park.
The park was serene. He wished it was like his back yard. During the
times in the past and currently, the creator had met up with quit a bit
of people at this park who were involved with their walks of life. After
the, "Thombogo Sunset Model 1996
Country Style Class" was built in, August of 1996, the
creator had made trips then, to hang at the park. Some people would be
attracted to the creator's bike and begin asking questions regarding
the, "Thombogo Sunset Model 1996
Country Style Class" bike. The creator had conversations
with some families, single parents with one or more children, families
with adopted children, people who were divorced or/and remarried
again, people with driving issues such as DUI's, DWI's, accidents with
other other people on the road, speeding and so on, people having
medical or/and chronic issues such as drunks, gamblers, people with drug
addictions and so on. Since the creator wasn't out there in the job
world, this was the only way which he would know how to mingle with
society. The creator had listen and give back advice. |
The situation is, that even though, the previous doctor who had operated on the creator's father stated that, the creator's father
was going to be ok enough to walk again, their family
doctor had questioned about the other doctor's statements based on the findings from
new blood tests. The next step was to have the
creator's father sent back to hospital for a few weeks perhaps through, Christmas
in order to build up his immunity. A, Christmas without his father
being around as the creator had thought? What was the creator supposed
to do? This would be the very first, Christmas which the creator, his
son could remember of, not having his father around for the holidays.
The doctor had said quit a bit to the creator and his
mother. Was the creator ready to face the next challenge in life at his young age? |
The is where the creator would hang out sometimes when
he need to think up ideas and alternatives. |
It was a week before, Thanksgiving day. The creator's father
was getting tired and bed-ridden. The creator would
continue to visit the park and ponder with his thoughts including the
condition of his father. The creator had remembered regarding an operation
which had been performed on his father's both legs sometime during the 1996 mid-summer season.
The creator would sit alone on the seat and look down at his own legs
while swinging. He would feel the strength of his both legs carrying
his weight to form each stroke of the swing while using his both hands
and arms to do the rest. The creator had also remembered his father
telling him that, when he was his age, he never cared that much to
ride a bike or swing on swings.
During late November of 1996 |
It was time for the creator to put it to the test.
With his father's current arterial condition advancing, the
creator wanted to keep himself in shape by getting around on
his, "Thombogo Sunset Model 1996
Country Style Class" bike. Both of his parents have asked
him to keep up with his health and stay in shape. The creator
did feel that, it was a great idea however, the creator needed
a job and an auto to get on with his life. Nothing was
happening for the creator. A significant change was heading
for the creator and his mother too. Christmas of 1996 was coming. There was going to be a change
in the creator's life style. His mother was going to experience
the change too. The creator wouldn't be hanging at his favorite
park that much everyday or every other day. There would be a
shortage of the creator running errands for his both
parents. The creator's mother wouldn't be at home that much
during the day. A few days before, Thanksgiving day, the creator's
father needed to see their family doctor for examination.
After some basic or/and standard blood tests if any, the family
doctor had explained the situation to the creator, and his
mother in his office. The creator's father wanted to remain
outside of the doctor's office in his wheel chair to avoid
the bad news while they both sat for the rest on person. |
With the tubes, the hoses and the tank in place, the last step
to do was the build a vent horn. This vent horn or intake vent would collect
the air being forced into it from the blown air generated by the
rear wheel's spokes spinning while riding the bike. With the
creator on the go everyday, taking care of his parents, he
didn't that much time to perform routine checkups on his bike especially
making sure that, the rear wheel axel was oiled automatically.
The creator was proud of the way his, "Thombogo Sunset Model 1996
Country Style Class" bike had performed. |
There would be times which the creator would hang with
but, he had never came across or had encountered with anyone similar
to his life style. Was the creator destined for something
in the path of his life unlike others? There were times
which the creator would think about that. These were
groups of thoughts which had crossed his mind from day to
day at the park. At this point, there was one major issue
about his father on his mind. |
There were times which the creator needed to go out on
his own to be alone. There was no one for him to associate
since he didn't know any body to hang with. Most of his
previous friends which, he had known from from school
either had moved, gone into the armed service or had
gotten into trouble with the law causing incarceration
for them. Due to the
creator's age, there was no other recreational places
which the creator could apply his social status since he
was under the age of 21. Once again, about two miles northwest away
from his home, there was a park. It was the creator's
favorite park which has
a large field of grass with a beautiful lake located to
the west-side next to a golf course. The golf course was
another place where the creator had applied for a job
with no intentions to hire him. Everyday or every other
day, the creator would go there to hang out at the swing
set which is located at the south-side of the park. After exercising his legs from peddling all that
way to his park, the creator wanted to do some arm
exercises by pulling his weight on the swing. With no
medical coverage due to no employment, the creator
needed to stay in reasonable shape and health. |
The creator's father once again, had
given his son, the creator some money to get the food which was needed
on the grocery list. On his way to the grocery store, the creator was
thinking about the job application which he had filled out over a week
ago. The creator had parked his bike at the grocery store's bike rack
and headed on into the store. The creator had picked out the food
according to what was on the list. After purchasing the food, the
creator decided to head to the customer service desk regarding his job
application status. The only information given the creator at the
customer service desk is, the positions were already filled for the
season. The creator just wanted to gather the food from the shopping
cart and leave to go home. After the creator had walked out of the
grocery store with his groceries, he had noticed that his power switch
including the sub-switches had been tampered with in the bike. All of
lights and radio were on causing a power drain to the battery.
During the mid-November month, the days had gone
into the deep fall season. With the cooler and cooler weather
still approaching, it would be time to change into warmer clothing.
The creator could feel his blood inside of him slowly changing for the
season as this happens to everyone during the seasonal changes. He had
heard from past experience the possibilities of people in general
slowing down their bike riding patterns for the each coming winter
season. With the inside of the lungs being exposed to the cooler fall
and winter air, this sometimes causes the person's mind to lose its potential
for bike riding in the cold season. Even though, the creator had the
huff and puff and inhale/exhale the cooler and/or cold air regardless,
that he was a candidate for having double pneumonia three years
previous, he had no choice but, to continue his errands for his both
parents during the coming winter season. With the special modifications
made to his bike, his pedaling wouldn't be as difficult.