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Pat Pend.
Later that next morning, the creator had pulled out of his driveway
on his, "Thombogo Sunset Model 1996
Country Style Class" bike. His plans were, to begin his job
hunt and to purchase some breakfasts at a famous fast-food restaurant
for his parents to eat from the money which they gave him. Down the street from his home, he would notice
teen-agers pulling out of their driveways to go to school. The creator had remembered them from high school during the time when he was in his senior year and
when they were in their freshmen and/or sophomore year. They creator felt somewhat envious and
jealous. He knew in the neighborhood that, some of their parents have money to buy them cars or/and insurance to drive to work and school. As the creator had drove by, he knew of this old saying, "If a teenager doesn't at least have a car, weather if it is their
parent's car or not, by the age of 16 years, they have a job already to save up for a car and insurance by the time they are 17 years old. If nothing happens by then, the parents usually would help out with job and car for their 17 year old
child. The creator didn't feel that, is was fair for his three older siblings to have jobs already and car before they were all 18 years old before they had graduated from school compared to his current life style.
The creator did feel left out in a way.
The creator had a
pretty good time hanging out with people in the parking lot. Their were
a few times which the radio DJ would notice the creator hanging out with
his , "Thombogo Sunset Model 1996
Country Style Class" bike. There were some people in the
parking lot who did approach the creator. Some people did ask the
creator if his bike had an engine on it or not. Other people admired the
electrical work done by the creator. Allot of people were honestly not
sure if the creator had made the whole bike the way it is or not
however, it was not known to people how serious the creator's situation
for survival issues were. With two family vehicles broken down for the
count and no financial funds saved up for auto repairs, other options
were not available. The radio truck had lower its transmitter antenna.
The one DJ had walked out to disconnect the speakers and placed them
into the radio van. As the creator could remember that day, the time was
about five-o-clock that afternoon. |
The creator gone to some places to drop off his job applications once again. The
creator has been out of high school for over a year without having any
employment at all. The creator had to find a way to be recognized in society
for his potential. He had turned on his built-in radio. There was this
one radio station which the creator was always interested in listening. He like the music
and the D.J.'s who played the music on the weekends. It was radio
station from the windy city with their , "Killer Bee" as their mascot.
Later that afternoon, the radio station van was in town. They had one of
those parties for people who were listeners to their radio station. The
creator had felt that, he nothing to lose. Why not hang out there with
the other listeners of that radio station? After the creator had dropped
off more job applications, he bought the breakfasts home for his parents
and for himself to eat before preparing for the long
Some associates
who work at the local grocery store wanted to hang out with the
creator outside near the bars where bicycles are parked. These are some buddies
which the creator had known from high school who work at the grocery
store. The creator decided to stand by his, "Thombogo Sunset Model 1996
Country Style Class" bike and explain his situation to his
buddies during their lunch break as it was beginning for them. The
creator had talked about his parent's two broken down vehicles, the
trips and errands he makes to get stuff for his parents and more.
The last issue on his personal list was the traveling which he had
been performing in order to search for job openings. Before their
lunch period was over, the creator had asked them a particular
question regarding there job status. How were they referred to get
hired? |
As fate would have,
latter that evening into the night, the creator's parents had given
the creator some money to go out grocery shopping. The creator didn't
have the worry about the bike rack ever snapping off as it did that
one time while ridding to home with the pool chlorine strapped to the
rack. These was no more of carrying a cardboard box of groceries to
home either. The creator had felt a generic version of having luxury
as if he was driving a car. With the milk crate bolted to the custom
made mounting pipes and centered over the rear wheel, there would be
no effort required to carry the groceries to home from the
supermarket. The creator was handed the money from his both parents
and proceeded down the street to the grocery store. He needed to get
some things from the produce and meat department at the store. The creator headed
to the food departments to make his selections. |
The creator wanted to apply for a job again at his local grocery store
He filled out an application and gone through the motions. When the
creator was finished, he needed to get home right away before some of
his groceries were going to parish due to lack of refrigeration. Days
and days had gone by. The creator was satisfied on how the, "Thombogo Sunset Model 1996
Country Style Class" bike was performing similar to a car
world. If the creator needed something for his parents, he would take
his bike and go get whatever they need from anywhere the , "Thombogo Sunset Model 1996
Country Style Class" bike would take him. The creator
didn't have to worry on counting on a car that much at this point. |
The creator needed to find way to display the lubrication technology
on the, "Thombogo Sunset Model 1996
Country Style Class" bike. A can which had contained hair styling
cream inside of it, was converted to appear as a CO2 tank for the bike.
The can was bolted to the left rear frame next to the rear wheel. The
device or lung flute which the creator had used, had it's breath exhaust
hose end connected to the top of the can. The oxygen supply tube was
mounted to the frame. The tube was connected to a, "T" pipe.
Both ends of the tube would have plastic tube hosing attached and
leading down to the both ends of the rear axel. With oil dripping
into the rear axle's bearing case, this would cause prolong
life to the rear axel itself including the chain. Parts were needed in
order to construct this type of contraption. |
In: Picture and
C.A.D. Solid 3D Wire Form (Top floor section may differ).
The creator
had figured that, once the older teenagers were back in school, this would be the best opportunity if possible to get
hired somewhere. Knowing the both family vehicles were down, the
creator needed to use his, "Thombogo Sunset Model 1996
Country Style Class" bike to get around town. With no auto insurance
in his name, how could he drive any vehicle? His driver's license
was valid at the time but no auto insurance. Was there a job for
the creator? |
The creator had
taken his bike and had left the baseball field from down the street.
The creator decided to hang out alone at his favorite park to rest
located two miles away from his home. He needed to think. The creator decided
to return back to home to find something to eat. The creator had no
money in his pocket in which to get something to eat. |
"The Mitchrochronic 1Mansion" |
Three years previous, there was a device which the creator remembered using for
his clearing his lungs. This was during the time after he just
received his first prize award regarding, a special project in
the ceramics division at a collage a week back before,
spending his time in a
hospital due to having
double pneumonia. This device would have a mucus clearing
chemical stored in the hanging chamber and then it would be dispensed
once the air flow was activated from the oxygen supply. The
creator was trying to remember of where he had placed this
device in the house. If this device was modified, oil which would be stored
in the hanging chamber would be equally distributed through
the plastic tubing along the frame down to the both sides of
the rear axel. The oil would flow through the tubes from forced
air caused by the rotating wheel spokes. With the lung flute
installed on the bike, it might appear as something,
"High-Tech" as the creator had thought. |
The creator had remembered the excessive riding that he had
performed on his old mountain bike during his job search and
stuff. Does the rear axel get hot enough that, the parts
begin deteriorating as the creator had thought to himself.
Unlike the front wheel axel, the rear wheel gets most of the
torque strain do to its attached gears casing being pulled
by the person paddling the bike. Some water and/or the
winter street cleaning salt is splashed up into the rear axle's
casing. Most of the weight is usually distributed on the
rear wheel during the bike ride. The creator had thought to
himself of why not have the rear axel lubricated when
needed. The would save time and longer life for the rear
axel. |
The way the creator had modified the gearing system on the
bike, the bike had some get up and go. The creator didn't
have that much problems when going up hills depending on
the steep level. When he wanted to go fast or pickup some
speed, the, "Thombogo Sunset Model 1996
Country Style Class" bike would take him. The creator had a
theory about wind capacity and speed. The creator had
heard about drag cars and racing cars given the boost by
CO2 air. When the air the CO2 is released from the tank,
the car would go faster yet. At the same time, the creator
had another idea which was parallel along with his current
idea. The creator had another theory relating to the wheel
which had broken off his old mountain bike before his
mother had given him her mountain bike instead. |
The creator had gotten the general answerer. They got
their jobs at the supermarket by being referred by their
high school. The creator wanted to ask another question.
Did they go through a job agency to get the job at the
grocery store? Lunch break was over. While the other
associates had walked back into the store, two
associates who knew the creator said that, they got the
job through their high school work program. There was no
agency in between that helped them get the job. The
creator and his parents were unable to understand why
their son, the creator needed to go to a job agency
through his high school's work program for job
placement. The creator was drawing a blank. |
The radio van had left the lot.
Everyone was splitting up to leave. The hotdog stand was closing up. The
creator had left with his bike. The creator had hoped that, maybe the
radio DJ would remember him on his, "Thombogo Sunset Model 1996
Country Style Class" bike. The creator had walk in the
house feeling happy. He checked the answering machine. There was no
messages. With front stereo and rear stereo speakers for the creator to
listen to, the creator felt like riding his bike in style.
The creator had taken a long jaunt to hang
out. His first location was at the a parking lot of some kind. The
creator was unable to remember all the places in sequence which he had hung
at however, he did remember the address of where the, "Killer
Bee" radio truck had
hung out at with him. The were other places which were too far for the
creator to travel out to if he wanted to hang with his favorite radio
time. Maybe this is how some people made it to the movie studios or were
discovered by their talent.