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Pat Pend.
As the days had gone on, the job at the wear
house was completed due to the creator, his both brothers and other workers getting the job
done. The wear house was empty and was leased to someone else. The daughter of the doctor who passed on had awarded
the creator with a sack or previously rented gray colored, plastic,
8-bit video game cartages made for a popular video game system. After
sorting out the video game cartages, the creator came across several
duplicate video games which he didn't need. At that time, in the year of
1996, those 8-bit video games were just about obsolete unlike the 16-bit
video games which were still popular. Perhaps, the creator could at
least sell
those games to buy a used / second hand car. What the creator didn't know was, the depreciation
of electronics.
The creator knew some buddies of his who
could or would been interested of some type of trading with him if they
were not arrested that night at the pool hall. The creator had knew other friends of his however, they had gone into the armed service or had
gotten married. The creator decided to store his game cartridges in a
until further notice. |
There were components which the creator had
installed on the outside of the panel box. A wooden dial was made for
the radio's tuner. A light-up switch was installed for tail and head
lights. Incase, if it gotten dark outside while riding the bike, a light
display would be activated by a dimmer switch to light up the panel
board during dawn or dusk. The creator felt that it was neat of the way
the panel was being formed. Turning lights and brake light indicators
were installed. A hole was made for the large output phone jack. There
was so many external features on the panel board, the creator didn't
what to make of it. With some painting to do, the bike was ready to
rock. It was a beauty as the creator had thought.
It appeared to be more power full than its, "NX" style. With
the extra thick bike tires and modifications made to the gear system, This
bike had a little more power and salability. The creator needed to call
it something else. The creator has designated the name, "Thombogo Sunset
Model 1996 Country Style Class" bike. With the bike's red painted
frame, the dusk colored table/counter top material that was glued to the
panel boxes particle board, the yellow milk crate, these were colors of
the sun set during a warm breezy summer late evening out in the country.
The information
with-in his vision was beginning to assemble together. With
other abilities the creator currently possesses, the vision
based on what information this presents or ghost in the ware house that
day had, was able to upload information to the creator's thinking capacity
to build an upgraded version of the, "NX" type bike. The creator had found a piece of used tying
twine lying on the sidewalk. The idea came to him to wrap the twine
around the broken bolts and secure the rear bike rack. The creator had
placed the 55 (fifth-five Lbs.) pound chlorine drum on the rack and
re-strapped the drum using couple of his bungee cords. The creator drove
off. While the creator was riding his bike, he knew that winter would be
coming again in a few months. The creator didn't want to go through the
same scenario as he did with the previous winter. He did not want to
carry another cardboard box which could misbalance himself while riding
the bike and have food and other stuff fall through the loose tape from
under the box which could cause a wipe-out on the street or a traffic
issue due to handing the bike on slippery streets.
The creator's father
was so angry at his own van failing like that, that he decided to get
off his wheel chair and walk outside using his cane to try something
else. He give his son his wife's keys to the mother's family car and had
asked his son to pull the family car out and drive the family car into
the rear section of the garage. In the rear section of the workshop, the
creator's father had an idea that, if he and his son, the creator, could
remove some of the minor parts off the engine and let a mechanic replace
the cylinder's rings alone, some expenses could be avoided. The
creator's father knew that his truck or the family van was in a more
worse condition than, the family car. If the creator's father was going
to keep his appointment in order to go into the hospital for his leg
operation, he had a week or so to get the family car running. The family
van was beyond repair for the creator's father to be driven to the
hospital. The creator had figured that no one else but his mother, was
going to drive his father to his leg operation appointment. The creator
had taken part in working on the family car's engine while his father
would sit back with his cane and instructed him step by step on how to
do the process before calling a mechanic.
There was no way in reason why the creator was going to the employment
placement agency which, his high-school's work program had provided
for the creator before graduation. The creator had thought to himself
as to why he would do that and then have at least a third of his
weekly check take out each week for the job employment placement fee.
The high school staff had over seen the creator's potential. The
creator's both parents too, were unable to understand of why his high
school wanted to the creator placed through their job placement agency.
They both felt uncomfortable about it and refused. |
With accessories built for the bike and then
bolted to the bike's frame for extra weight along with thick wide deep
tread tires would give the, "NX" type bike more traction on
the icy, slippery streets during the up-coming winter season. The creator also,
had known that since the earth rotates back and forth on its latitude
access during each year, the winter days get shorter and shorter causing
less daylight. The creator knows that, if he is going to get around more
often due to his bike performing more for him, he would also need to
install lights and caution lights for safety for the longer winter darys
to come. With the reflectors sometimes,
falling off his both wheels due to salt rock eating at the plastic
during the winter's street clearing season, the creator had plans of
installing electrical reflectors instead. |
The creator's father was beginning to
indicate some signs of giving up his workroom. The creator's father
hasn't gone outside to tinker in his workroom next to the garage. The
creator's father was always anxious to receive and read his wood working
or tool catalogs in the mail. These unread books, still wrapped in plastic,
catalogs had been piling up on a bookshelf in the next room near the
kitchen. The creator knew that, something was really wrong with his
father when, his father would ask him to go on his bike to the hardware
store to purchase stuff in order, to make for repairs to the house
whenever needed. The creator's father had asked the creator, his son, to
use his tools in the work shop for now on whenever they would be needed
for anything. |
The creator had brought his bike, formerly
known as his mother's mountain bike into the workshop next to the
garage. Nope, the creator wasn't just putting his bike away for the
night, he had plans to make modifications on it that very night. The
creator had followed every instruction possible which had approached
from the back of his mind. The very first issue was, what to do with the
busted up reflectors that were left on the wheels. Electronic PVC pipe pipes with built-in
batteries would be the answer to install. The creator had no idea of
where these thoughts were coming from but, to proceed with the
construction. New style drag lights were created with-in the workshop
for the bike. The PVC pipes which were used for the former drag lights
were removed and destroyed to make room the new right & left-side
drag lights. These both drag lights would be screwed down to the copper
pluming pipes. An upgraded style case which appeared to be a mailbox was
used for the battery with an AMP. meter and power switch installed. A
milk crate was secured to the electric pipes located behind after the
rack was removed. Two cases for the used car speakers were built and
secured on both opposite sides of the milk crate. There was one rear
speaker on the right side of the milk crate as well as one rear speaker
on the left side of the milk crate. The creator wanted to hear that
front and rear sound coming from the both sets of speakers just like a
car. A system of tail lights, rear turning signal
lights and brake lights were created. Front left and right hand speakers
were made as well as front turning signal lights. A wooden antenna with
wire wrapped all around it was bolted to the milk crate. There was one
more element to top it off. The creator needed something which would
govern the whole electrical system on the bike. A panel box was designed
and handcrafted to have the radio's circuit board installed inside of it
along with a cassette tape player added inside. The was enough room left
over to install the turning signal controller including other lights to
go under the glass indicator panel itself. The was just enough space to
build and install the speed indicator lights under the lower
panel. There was over a hundred of electrical wires which the creator needed to organize through
out the bike.
The creator didn't know of any camping bags
that would large enough to carry so much food. The creator had no
financial funds to purchase a camping bag. Placing food on the rear rack
at this point could cause the used tying twine to loosen and fall off
the frame. There were times which the creator needed to make double
trips to the grocery store to buy food. The milk crate laying next to
the old bike in the ware house had given the creator an idea as a small
trunk for an automobile. An, old wooden fishing tackle box laying on the
milk crate next the rear wheel had given the creator the idea to upgrade
his drag lights. The old fashion cash register laying the handle bars
had given the creator the idea for a control system or a dash board for
the bike. If
there could be way put all these items into ideas somehow.
During the last week
before the children would go back to school, the creator had tested the
bike for traveling purposes. With its possible special inter-racial gear
locking system, the bike can travel far without causing fatigue to the
creator himself. The creator had known that, the older he had gotten, the more often
would have to get around too in his upgraded bike just as if he an
automobile to drive. With the cost to repair the family van would be astronomical.
With the creator having no income of his own and his both parents living
on a fixed income, there was no hope of getting the family car or the
family van both fixed together. School season had started. The creator
wanted to go to school after high school, however the distance traveling
to the nearest collage every would be a little rough. The nearest
collage was over six miles away. It would be the time which would be
taken by going to school and back. The main issue wasn't so much of the
distance. The creator had gone back at his high school
memories while looking at his, "Thombogo Sunset Model 1996 Country
Style Class" bike in the work shop. He could never figured out way
most but not all of his teachers could see his potential. Some people
out there would have talent which helps them thought out life. Collages
would see the potential which a student would have in high school and
then, the collage would offer that student a scholarship. The creator
had thought to himself that, if his high school had done this for him,
he would be allot further in life by, being in school & working by now.
The creator couldn't understand why he wasn't being hired after high
school unlike what that lawyer at the bus stop had explained to him. |
Later the evening, the creator's mother gave
him some money to pickup another fifty-five (55 Lbs) pound barrel of
pool chlorine. He had gone to the floral shop, bought the barrel and
headed back home, the
bike rack with the barrel on it had collapse on him. The barrel had
fallen on the street causing the chemical to be shaken up inside the
barrel. Vapors from
the barrel's vents were leaking out. While picking up the barrel, the
creator had gotten and itch up in his nose from the vapors and sneezed.
After mistakenly inhaling the vapors before sneezing, the combination of
the chlorine gases and his frustration for the bike had given him a
one-way trip to understanding what the information was meant in the wear
house that day when he had felt a mysterious presents communicating with
him. Was it a gift which the creator had an encounter with? It also had
something to do with looking at that old bike sitting next to the brick
wall which had all that stuff all around it in the ware house. |
Weeks and weeks had gone by while heading
into the late summer. No employment was calling on the creator for his
needs. The creator's parents were aware of this issue and his father
alone had asked the creator, his youngest son once again, to stay home and help him and
his mother with the house and stuff. The creator's father had given his
son the keys to start his van. It was time to idle the engine again,
once a week for twenty (20) minutes. The creator started the engine and
place the mini tool vice up against the gas pedal to avoid the engine dying
out. The creator sat there in the driver's seat mining his own business until
his mother approached him with a sandwich and a cola drink. She thanked
him for riding his bike to go to store for the groceries. She had ask
him to slowly press in the gas pedal according to her husband's
instructions. The creator's father told his wife to tell him, the
creator to idle the engine faster. |
The creator had done just that. The idle was
up to twelve-hundred (1,200) R.P.M.'s. The creator's mother had asked
the creator to kick it up fifth-teen-hundred (1,500) R.P.M.'s. At this
point, the creator could see the windshield wipers fluttering. The radio antenna
located at the front-right of the hood was starting to wiggle. Some loud
fire-cracker noises was coming out of the rear tail pipe of the family
van. As the creator was told to kick it up to seven-teen-hundred (1,700)
R.P.M.'s, a pungent rotted cherry like odor was coming from under the
truck along with burning oil causing to smoke into the cabin section. |
The creator had released the accelerator and
shut the van off instantly. The creator's mother was going to grab for the starter
and shut it off for the creator if he didn't shut it off first. The
creator had pulled himself under the truck. Leaking hot transmission
fluid was leaking from the transmission itself. Oil was leaking from the
engine's oil pan. The creator told his father about it along with the
mother. After sitting in his wheel chair and thinking about the issue
for only a few minutes, his conclusion was, the transmission ring was blown
and the oil pan gasket both were cracking up due to old age. After the
family van had sat for an hour after shut down, two large puddles were
on the driveway concrete. Now, what would the creator do?