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Pat Pend.
The creator had no
idea that a system like this was going on like this on the streets. The
creator had thought that it was only illegal to physically consume illegal
street substances but, illegal to sell them too? With the worries of
having no job and the responsibilities which he had at home for his both
parents, the creator was sometimes unable to think straight remembering
of what he learned in health class during his high school days
about illegal street substances. As the creator had hopped on his bike
and left the area, several police cars had pulled up in the area over a
hundred feet away from where the creator was standing with his buddies.
The creator had seen his friends walking into a white police van while
the rest of them were being hand-cuffed and placed into the police cars.
Search dogs were walking the area. The creator had left the area.
What the creator didn't
noticed while he
was riding his bike to go back home that night was, the pungent odor was
embedded in his clothing before he had left the area. The smoke was
produced from his buddies when they were smoking around him. Unlike the
smoke from the illegal street substance which causes the light-rays in
the optical nerves to make the kaleidoscope effect, somehow it had
stimulated the creator's optical abilities for enhanced purposes. While the creator
continued to ride his bike home, the odor embedded in his clothing
was able to make its way up into his nose and stimulate some more of his
brain. The kaleidoscope effect which the creator had experienced if any,
had given him the true definition of the color pattern spectrum. With
the existing abilities of, "P-Crell"*, the stimulation was
able to add the color patterns of pigment, contrast, tint, cross
hatching, shadowing and other color managing effects to his visual
memory abilities. Now, with the effects taken place, the creator was
able to know how to create graphics at a higher rendering level to show
more vivid detail. |
During the year of 1996, independence day had arrived. The
doctor who delivered the creator had passed on. The creator had felt bad
because, that doctor was the one who delivered him over nineteen years
ago. His only daughter and only child was going out with the creator's
oldest brother during his one month leave from the armed service. There
were times which the creator's other brother would hang around for
beneficial reasons relating to financial issues also. Unlike the creator,
he had no interest in the women's money nor her due to her age range
being twelve years older then the creator himself. Her father was a
medical doctor, a gynecologist, co-owner of a family restaurant plus an
owner of two video stores. There was a wear house filled with video tapes
along other stuff stored for their family restaurant. With him passed on, the wear house needed to
be cleared of stuff before a new rent lease would be drawn up. The daughter
of the father who had passed on wanted out from the lease. There was way
much for her to handle besides handling her a beauty salon which she
manages. The
creator helped along with his both brothers by removing video tapes off shelves and throwing the old
shelves and other stuff for the garbage dumpster located behind the wear
house. While the
creator's oldest brother was home one leave, his girlfriend had talked
him into helping his father to fix the family van for the creator. She heard about the
situation between the creator's parents and money issues. Once again, the
starter motor was broken in the family van. It was known through out the creator's family that,
his oldest brother was known not to be that loose with his own money. His
girlfriend thought that it wouldn't hurt sometimes to
spear some change for his both parents. With no jobs being offered for
the creator, It would be nice if a family member would spear some reasonable
It was cool for the creator to try to have some type of experience but,
not the real thing which he wanted. He wanted a job to start off at,
save up for a car or a fix up one of his parents' auto and drive it. Go
to collage, meet a girl, graduate from collage get married, have children
and so on. |
The next day at the wear house. The
creator's oldest brother needed to go somewhere with his girlfriend.
They both had asked the creator to watch over stuff in the wear house and keep
moving stuff into the moving van while throwing out more garbage into
the dumpster. The creator was alone in the warehouse
doing what was asked for him to do. He never came across so many video tapes in
his life. The doctor who delivered him had a life interest in the movie
selling industry. So many vivid colors on video jackets as the creator
thought. The creator came across some stuff laying around which appeared
to been abandon or not in use. There were more and more shelves of video
tapes laying around along with other stuff. The creator was earning some
money in cash hoping that, this would be a start in his job path
however, with the doctor passed on, how could employment recognize for
his current job to be valid when he was getting paid in cash? With her father passed on, the two video stores he had owned were on
their way for sale. The was no job over there for the creator to work at
and the their family restaurant since it was way too far for the creator to
travel on his bike. The creator had no degree to be a doctor. What was
for the creator to do? |
The creator was in deep thought about all of
this. During his work alone in the big wear house, the creator came
across a bike with stuff laying around it. An old fashion wooden cash
register was laying on the handle bars. There was a clothing basket
laying on the flat tire on the rear wheel with computer speakers placed
on boxes with-in the clothing basket. The creator had sat to take a break. He
cocked his head and
looked at the bike at a certain angle. An idea was coming to his head as
he looked at this old bike with stuff laying around it. He looked up
into the ceiling of the wear house. A voice was taking to him with-in
his mind. Was it the voice from the doctor who delivered the creator? The voice was quite
pleasant with-in the creator's mind. The creator felt a presents around him with-in the large room of endless
movie tapes. The next event the creator could remember was his mind
being entered and uploaded instead of it being probed. The creator
wasn't sure if it was the doctor, who had delivered him. Was he trying
to communicate with the creator? The creator did feel a good
presents around him as like, if someone was trying to guide him for a
greater purpose. |
= P-Crell is an organic, based ability (As, if an metal alloy based
computer had a digital program in order to operate) which causes enhanced mental
capacity to the, Wernicke's area of the brain. This media ability
also works with the, Occipital lobe and the Temporal lobe to store
visual and auditory information at a streamlining somatosensory
level. When information (based on what the receptors had
stored in the Hippocampus) is needed to be extracted to the
Cerebellum for physical output, the other information (from using,
"P-Crell") attached to the audio and visual memories is
used to aid the to assembly when deal with graphic and sound
results. |
At this point, the creator had no knowledge
weather if his oldest brother had spear some change or not for anything.
There was a starter
motor on sale at a garage sale. There was a garage sale which was held down the street from the creator's house.
The creator road his, "NX" type bike to the garage
sale. The creator had
enough grocery money leftover to buy this used starter motor for the
family van. The next day, the creator and his father had installed the
starter motor. With the incentive regardless of his medical condition,
the creator's father's wanted to help his youngest son to replace the
damaged starter motor in the family van. The engine did turn over. There
was one problem. The carburetor was another issue to face. The creator
had felt, this would be last time for the mini-tool vice to be placed up
against the gas pedal. The engine wanted to die out if the gas paddle
wasn't regulated. The creator's father felt frustrated knowing about the
family van's serious carburetor problem. The creator's father had asked
his son to shut the engine and leave the family van alone. |
"Here, keep the broken radio and the other stuff
from my garbage. I'm old and I want to move to retire." |
At the time, the creator was only familiar dealing with the 256 (8-Bit)
color palette system located on the left below. After the stimulation,
more colors in the 24-Bit range consisting 16,777,216 colors were
organized in layers of brightness forming a three dimensional color
palette system located on the right below. |
The creator could feel the effects taken place. In that one movie, there
was this young man with the mask like face who had introduced some
colors to a young, blond hear, blind woman in a kitchen. He placed
cotton in her hand to indicate billowy white. A hot rock from a pot of
boiling water was placed in her hand by him to indicate red as hot. The
rock would cool down to indicate pink as he told her this. As for the
creator, this was a more advance effect on his optical related abilities.
A few minutes had gone by. It was beginning to rain. The odor needed to
go away to avoid over stimulation to the creator's brain. This was not
healthy to the creator at this point and it could had caused brain
damage. It began to rain. The odor was gone from the washing of the rain
water. The storm that night was a flash flood of some kind. The creator
had arrived home all wet. He had looked up at the sky while it was
raining. The rain was dying down. Was this stimulation developed as, a
gift for the creator? Did mother nature knew just when to release the
rain down in order to destroy the odor in the creator's clothing?
Both of the creator's parents were both happy that, their son was home
later that rainy night. |
The next day, there were no calls for the creator. No one was calling
him for any job interviews. The night before, the creator had remembered
of the interesting cars which his friends were driving around in the
mall's parking lot. With his
interest in music, he came across a radio which a neighbor was throwing
out for garbage day. The neighbor had known the creator's
parents for years and was planning on moving out of the neighborhood.
This junky radio was given to the creator by that neighbor. With, a
busted eight-track, busted cassette deck or player and missing speakers,
the only use for the radio was the radio itself. The radio was duct-tape
wrapped around one of the bike frames. The creator had used his
headphones over his head as speakers. The radio had AM/FM stations
including a volume dial along with a speaker jack for the head phones.
At this point, the rear wheel generator had busted off the frame of the
mountain bike and it was missing. The creator decided to use an old lawn
more battery from that neighbor's garbage to power up the Christmas
light tail lights and the radio. The creator like the blue drag lights
on some of his buddies' cars. Some PVC pipes were converted into drag lights
which were added to the battery.