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Item #


Delta Machinery Lock Miter, Double Tongue & Groove


  Item is located at zip code, 60803. (Six miles south from Chicago, IL Midway Airport)


 Delta Machinery Cat #45-998

Lock Miter, Double Tongue & Groove Carbide Tipped Shaper Cutter

¾” Bore with 2, ½” Bushings I88

2 - 1/8” Max Radius of bit itself (4 - ¼” Max Diameter of bit itself)

1 - 13/16” High (With-out Both 1/16” High Bushings Inserted together)

Used at 8,000 R.P.M.’s Maximum Safe Speed


Weight is around 1 to 2 Lbs.


Request for shipment?

Email me through Ebay unless you have intensions for local pickup.

You may pay through Paypal when / if you are the winning bidder.


If shipping / postal is under $8.00 alone (in my invoice if you are the winning bidder) for this item each, the rest of the money will then go back into your paypal account.


This item is used for wood shapers.






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