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Sears Craftsman 1 HP Motor - 113.12200


Zip code Location is 60803 (6 Miles South from Midway Airport next to Chicago, IL)

Sears Craftsman 1 HP Motor


This motor could be used for some uses.

For industrial machines, home, pumps, fans or any use you feel this motor could be used for. Motor starts up smoothly, quietly. All motors I’m selling here on Ebay (Under other items, Sanactrade is Selling) were checked out by plugging each of them in or hooking wires on other motors which didn’t have plugs to plug into sockets. All motors like this one in the picture have been oiled and cleaned up.

The next set of lines under “Label Specs” is any information I was able to read or find on the motor’s label. All motors are made out steel bodies. All of motors are between 15 to 20 Lbs. If any motors are going to be shipped, they would be shipped in bubble wrap & newspaper in each package that would have the dimensions of 6” square x 12” Long weighing 16 to 21 pounds each. For any motors that would have the 5/8” Dia shaft would require a shaft key. All shafts (5/8” Dia or/and ˝” Dia) on both sides of some motors or on one side of some motors have the minimum length of 1-1/2” long.

Shipping cost? I’ll charge you my standard shipping amount (For margin of error) of $20.00 (in my invoice) because of motor’s weight. If shipping / postage is under that $20.00, that rest of that remaining money you gave to me for the shipping alone, will go into your Paypal account. You will receive a scanned copy (requires your real email address) of the receipt and a conformation number to view your packages whereabouts once you’re your package had been shipped / posted.

            Want anything custom added to the motor? My general labor itself would be $15.00 to add wire according to your custom length (a common black rubber wire with three stranded wires inside I would purchase* from my local hardware store) and a three-prong plug attached. *I’ll would need to charge you according to what material would cost. You will receive a separate scanned copy of a receipt to know what cost of material would be.

Questions, email me through Ebay. Again, want anything custom added, please email me your specs before you bid otherwise you can bid according to what you see in the picture. I’ll let you know if motor can be custom wired or not.

“Label Specs”

Name of Motor – Sears Craftsman

Horse Power – 1

Volts - 115/230

AMPS – 14.0/7.0

R.P.M.’s – 3,450

HZ/CYC/PH – 60

Phase – 1

Frame – G56Z

Front Shaft – 5/8” (With Key Hole Square)

Rear Shaft – 1/2” w/ Flat Side

Motor Type – Capacitor Start

Model – 113.12200 (Sears)

MFG. Model – KS55BXFS-352

Class – A

Does the Motor Come With Base? – Yes

How is Base Mounted On? – With 1 Clamp (Other Clamp is Missing)

Thermally Protected – Yes

S.F.A. – 1.0

Time Rating – CONT.

Code – K

A Cord Attached to it? – No

With Plug? – No

Grounded Plug?  - N/A

Shaft Hold - Ball Bearing

           Any questions? Email Me through Ebay.





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