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Item #


Rockwell International Sash F Carbide Tippd Shapr Cuttr

Item is located at zip code, 60803. (Six miles south from Chicago, IL Midway Airport)


Rockwell International Cat #43-975

Sash F Carbide Tipped Shaper Cutter.

¾” Hole with 2, ½” Bushings.

1 - 1/4” Max Radius of bit itself (1 - ½” Max Diameter of bit itself)

½” High (With-out Both 1/16” High Bushings Inserted together)

Used at 13,000 R.P.M.’s Maximum Safe Speed


Weight is around 1 to 2 Lbs.


Request for shipment?

Email me through Ebay unless you have intensions for local pickup.

You may pay through Paypal when / if you are the winning bidder.


This item is used for wood shapers.

If interested, you may view my item #7585853036 here on Ebay

described as, Central Machinery #120 Wood Shaper if you like.






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