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Sears Craftsman 12" Wood Lathe w/ Chisels & Face Plates

Zip code Location is 60803 (6 Miles South from Midway Airport next to Chicago, IL)


Sears Craftsman 12” Wood Lathe



Can shave any type of wood that would be up to 12” Diameter X 36” Long with manual included.


New electrical re-wiring, cleaned up, oiled & just like new. Starts up fast, quite and no wobbling. Large table with built-in rack in the rear for up to 15 of your chisels. Each hole on the rack is diameter bore X 2-1/2” Deep and spread apart. A chisel in its place.


Four speeds to Select from depending on Diameter of wood.


While using a 2-1/2” Diameter pulley connected to the lathe motor.



Speed #01

(From the 2-1/2” motor pulley to the lathe pulley) is 2,156 R.P.M’s.


Speed #02

(From the 2-1/2” motor pulley to the 2-5/8” lathe pulley) is 1,643 R.P.M’s.


Speed #03

(From the 2-1/2” motor pulley to the 3-3/8” lathe pulley) is 1,278 R.P.M’s.


Speed #04

(From the 2-1/2” motor pulley to the lathe pulley) is 1,078 R.P.M’s.


Note: Speed results may vary from what is specified from the manual.


To adjust speeds, remove the cover (on the left side of the lathe) of by removing the rear and front screw. You would then have access to the four-speed pulley to switch the V-belt to the pulley you would need to operate. If V-belt happens to be tight or too loose on the lathe motor, loosen the screws connected the U-Clamp or strap (wrapped around the left pipe stand) under the motor’s base to adjust the height of the motor.


Note: BX wire connected to motor has enough slack to give while adjusting motor’s height to any of the four pulleys.


Power switch is located under the table in the front center facing downward.


This lathe has rack at the rear of table for the lathe chisels.


Again, there are 15 holes which are Dia bore X 2-1/2” deep and spread out across from each other from center of each hole. No extra or separate racks to hang on a wall.


Weight is about 75 to 80 Lbs. Is that heavy? The lathe sits on four 2-1/2” Dia X 7/8” wide steel all-swivel casters for easy rolling.


Dimensions are,


Table is 54-1/8” wide x 21” depth.

(Because of the depth of the chisel rack, table is actually 18-1/2” depth).


Table is made out of 3/4” thick particleboard. Yes, in the one picture, you might see a crack in the table however, wouldn’t pose any structural threat while using lathe. If you are the winning bidder, perhaps you could be thinking of install your own custom table for this lathe instead.


The bottom base of lathe is also made out of two, Ύ” thick particleboards slapped together for a stronger base.


Overall size is,

Width is across X 21” depth x 45-3/4” high.


About the motor,


Name of Motor – Sears Craftsman General Purpose Motor.


Horse Power – 1/3


Volts - 115


AMPS – 6.0


R.P.M.’s – 1,725


HZ/CYC/PH – 60


Phase – 1


Motor Type – Split phase


Model – 113.19665 (Sears)


With Plug? – The plug is grounded along with steel parts of the lathe itself for safety.


Also comes with three face plates with its manual too.


Two are diameter x 1-1/4” long and the other is diameter x 1-1/4” long too.

The diameter & the one diameter require No. 14 screws.

The other one ( diameter) appears it would require wood bolts.

All three in a picture. They all screw counter clock-wise on the spur center’s threads.


Last, but not least, also comes with its lathe chisels all re-sharpen (from left to right in picture).

What is each lathe chisel?


#1. Is 3/8” wide gouge lathe chisel.


#2. Is 5/8” wide gouge lathe chisel.


#3. Is 7/8” wide gouge lathe chisel.


#4. Is 1/2” wide round nose lathe chisel.


#5. Is 1/2” wide round skew lathe chisel.


#6. Is wide round skew lathe chisel.


#7. Is 1/2” wide spear point lathe chisel.


#8. Is 1/2” wide parting tool lathe chisel.


Want to create a copy of a spindle you’re thinking about?

There is a Sears Craftsman Copy Crafter for tubular Lathes here on Ebay I have listed as item #6045345258, if you are interested. Local pick-up only.


If you are the winning bidder, you can Paypal me, I’ll send you a map and directions on how to get to my workshop


                       Any questions? Email Me through Ebay.





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