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Pat Pend.
Later on that day,
the creator had gone back into the workshop. He took upon himself to
push the, "Thombogo Sunset Model 1996
Country Style Class" bike into the workshop. Yes, the rear
wheel needed an overhaul. The creator placed the bike with its cabin on
it under the hoisting chains. The hoisting chains were connected to the
cabin's framing hooks. Once all connected, the docking clamps were
loosen and removed from the bike's main frame. It was time to hoist up
the cabin. The creator had this feeling that, this would be the last
time had would hoist the cabin due to its weight factor on the
The cabin was
hoisted up. The creator was able to pull the bike away from the
hanging cabin. The cabin was lowered onto the floor and then moved
off to the side for storage. After the rear axel was removed from
the wheel itself, the creator had taken upon himself to search for
another axel in the work cabinet. He knew that, the dark years for
survival were coming upon him and for his mother. He also knew
himself that without any extra means of financial resources, even bicycle
parts themselves would be considered to be expensive to purchase. If
there is something to selvage and use, use it. |
After the creator navigated through the parking lots, he road across
another busy street parallel to the south-side of the park. The creator
managed to ride through the snowy grass until he placed his, "Thombogo Sunset Model 1996
Country Style Class" bike up against the canopy's support
post. The creator got off while feeling humble about himself and walk
towards one of the swings to sit. The creator needed to spend time by
himself again. The creator was gazing over the field. A car with a trailer
hitched in the rear had pulled off to the side of the street. A person
got out of the car and had opened the trailer's rear door. The person
stepped up into the trailer and walked up to the snow mobile. The person
sat on the snow mobile, started it, backed it out of the trailer and
road into the parks snowy field. The creator had a thought. |
Once the rear wheel was aligned, the creator
needed to set the sprocket chain onto the five-gear sprocket. The
sprocket chain was set in place and the rear wheel was tighten and
secured to the rear frame. The creator spent an hour of his time to go
through the process. The bike was lowered to the ground and the creator
was ready to go. The creator decided to celebrate by going to his
park the next day to swing for awhile. He felt that, it was a blessing
that, he was able to replace the rear wheel axel himself rather having
it done for him since he was low on funds. The creator couldn't count on
his father to help him with the repair to the rear wheel axel since he
was still being rehabilitated at rehab. The creator wasn't sure if he
able contact some of his friends from school since most of them he knew
had autos which, they were perhaps used to getting around in instead of
relaying of a bike as he felt. What was the creator supposed to do? |
The creator sat there on the swing and looked at the person who was
riding the snowmobile. Those type of vehicles are built for the winter
weather as he thought. The creator sat on the swing and turned his head
to look at his, "Thombogo Sunset Model 1996
Country Style Class" bike. He was looking at the rear
wheel. He remembered the day when he designed and built that lubrication technology
system into his bike. That type of technology wasn't just made to
prevent the weight of cargo in the basket from snapping the rear wheel
axel, it was also designed to repel any ice build-up
and winter street salt build-up from going into the bearing case
avoiding excessive wear and tear in the rear wheel axel casing. The
creator had taken his eyes off his bike and decided to look back at the
snowmobile being driven on the other side of the lake. The creator had
wondered if the system which controls and maintains the snowmobile's
ground belt doesn't have similar parts that would operate the same way
since the snow and other winter elements would get up inside those areas
too. |
The creator got up from his duff while getting off the swing. He walked across
the snow with his winter boots. The evening sun was going down more and
more. The creator look up at the sky as snow flakes began to drift in
the air. Another snow storm was forming all around the creator. He got
on his bike and gazed back at the swings. He thought to himself of all
the times he had visited the park during the spring and summer seasons,
why didn't he ever meat someone. The creator looked at the park benches.
He was thinking to himself why no buddy, if they were around or sat on
those park benches, would notice him hanging at the
park almost every other day for an hour or so. No opportunities for the
creator to be involved. No buddy who would work at a human resource
office who offer the creator a job nor would the creator would meet a
girl. As for a job offer opportunity, the creator did sense that, something was breaking
down in the job market but, he wasn't sure of what. He remembered a year
ago when that man who was waiting for the bus stating that, diversity is
the one of the main reasons why to job market is breaking down in the country
along with the economy. As for meeting a
girl, the creator looked at his bike as he was still sitting on it. Do
women only notice a guy with a car rather than anything else as the creator
thought. The creator remembered about his father's work place being
closed down and condemned several years back due to the age of the
building and the neighborhood it was in. How was the creator's father's
boss or personnel suppose to get him, his son a job when they were closed
two years before the creator's high school graduation? The creator was on
his own. This was a risk which the creator had to take with-out choice. |
As poor the creator had felt, at least he had a home to go to. The
creator peddled across the snow and out into the street. The creator had
taken his usual route to get home. Later the evening, the mother drove
her son to see his father at the rehab place. Issues were discussed
referring to the creator's father's health and so on. The family gathering
had lasted for an hour or so. The creator's oldest brother
both came from out of town and wanted to hang out with their father too.
While the creator was standing there in the room with his brothers and
their own mother, he thought to himself, what is going to happen with
himself when his father goes. He knows that, his both brothers have
stuff going for them in their paths of life unlike himself at his young
age. The creator thought about, of how his mother would be taken care of
if or when their father does not make it through his current medical
treatment. |
The creator
headed off to the park that next very day knowing the winter
air would be warmer to breath. During to his trip to park, he
would pass by a high-school almost everyday. Looking at the
school building everyday reminding of his high school days. As
he had passed by the building another snow storm was heading
on its way from the western sky. The clouds in that part of
the sky were getting darker and darker. The creator didn't
care at that point since he was happy that, his bike was
working again. The creator passed by the school building and
headed north bound riding on a sidewalk parallel to the
west-side of the school yard. The creator had cut across the
busy street going into apartment building parking lots. |
The creator and his mom were home. The creator's mother felt
exhausted while her son, the creator felt depressed due to
the condition of his bicycle. His attention was drawn when
he noticed the hole in the family van's window. He thought
to him self of why would anyone break the glass, when there
currently was noting to steel from the family van if,
whoever was attempting to steel anything from the family
van. This made no sense to the creator. A bunch of newspapers
were taped to the truck as a cover. This would prevent any
birds or animals from making a nest in the truck for safety
issues. |
taking the time to remove the bearings, nuts, washers
and other parts which were screwed together onto the
snapped axel, those parts then were installed over into
the spear axel from the snapped axel. The creator had
taken his time in the workshop to place the part piece
by piece onto the spear axel. The axel was reinserted in
the axel shell of the rear wheel. The inner position
nuts were secured over the bearings while the outside
main nuts were screwed onto both ends of the axel
causing the inner position nuts to be equally secure as
well. The whole axel was then re-positioned into the shell
casing of the rear wheel. The creator aligned the rear
wheel back to the bike's rear framing.
A couple of days had passed on. Christmas day had arrived. The creator
thought that, there would be some type of a miracle on that day since
it is the birthday of the lord, Christ. He walked into the family room with his
mother both hopping that, his father had bounce back from the
treatment and would discreetly come home the night before,
Christmas to surprise both
of them in the family room on, Christmas morning. Due to financial
issues, there was no, Christmas tree nor, Christmas presents under the
tree in the family room and his father was still at rehab. The
creator's mother had walked out of the family room with tears in her
sad eyes. The creator followed his mother into the kitchen to comfort
her for a few hours. |
Lather that,
Christmas day, the creator spent his evening in his computer lab
room. The most important issue was his father getting back in health
and recovering. This didn't happen that day. He sat back in his
thinking chair and pondered over the grayish colored, 8-bit, video
game cartages. He was still thinking of selling his duplicate games
at a video game store and collect the money to buy a car for
himself. He was planning to this during the spring since looking at
cars and meeting a girl would be the best time to compare cars in a
lot and hang with a lady during the warm romantic season. The
creator sat there in his chair looking up prices in the game catalog.
The catalog was up to date so, the creator was able to fine out how
much he would get from selling his games according to what the games
were listed in the catalog. He knew that, in spring the prices for
each video game would change due to new, updated games being made
however, the creator naturally assumed that, he would still get a
reasonable offer once the video games were sold. Will he get the car
he's been asking? Will he meet the lady of his dreams? Will he get
the job he wants? Will he get married and have children? Only time
will tell.