Pat Pend.
     After the whole door was installed to the frame, the creator continued building the rest of the cabin. The front section and the left-side was completed. Before deciding to build the top section, the creator had check all the framing to be sure that, everything was intact. In the back of the creator's head, he was thinking on where he was going to install the heater system for the cabin section. The creator had one idea in mind regarding the where he could place the heater system. He wanted the heat to flow evenly and rise up into the mid-cabin section. 
     The last step for the parts themselves, was to use the gutter riveter to poke the holes. With the holes formed, the creator was able to align the parts and then connect the parts using the gutter riveter or use sheet metal screws. The creator bolted the heat exchanger system to the frame near the bike pedals and ran the gas line to the system from the blue propane tank. The electronic starter which the creator got from a used stove down the street in the garbage was installed next to the jet exhausts up inside of the furnace.       
     The creator was off to a start. After riding the few blocks down the street, the creator was able the steer the bike correctly. By the time the, creator had approached the first busy street from his house, he forget to activate had cabin heater. The, "Thombogo Sunset Model 1996 Country Style Class" bike was parked next to a stop sign. A special double kick stand which the creator had designed and built was able to take the brunt of the bike with the heating cabin attached to it. 
     The later half of, December 1996 has arrived. The time has come. The creator had gotten word over the phone that, his father has been transferred to the, rehab facility. Earlier that morning, the creator's mother was asleep do to her worries regarding her husband's medical condition. The creator didn't want to wake up his mother in order to drive him to see his father. The creator decided to, leave a note for his mother about his whereabouts and had taken upon himself to try out his cabin for the long, cold trip into the wild winter weather. The cabin was reconnected to the bike using positioning chains to lower the cabin. The creator had taken his time to wheel and steer the, "Thombogo Sunset Model 1996 Country Style Class" bike around the workshop, through the patio and out to the driveway.  
    He was relieved when, he noticed the key was caught in the heater grill then if it had fallen in the snowy street and lost. He grabbed for the key and placed it deep in his utility pocket. As the creator was looking ahead to make had left-hand turn at the middle-mile intersection, there was a grinding feeling beginning to develop while peddling. Something was causing the both peddles to have more tension. It was harder to pump the peddles as the creator felt.

     There was nothing else for the creator to do but, to go outside and continue with his project. Once again, the creator was not sure if this cabin was going to hold up while connected to the bicycle's framing. The heater's tank was filled with the fuel oil and the creator had turn it on. The heat felt like flaming rubble as the creator felt. He turned around and continued working on his project. One way or another, he was going to get finished. He managed to construct part of the door but, gave up due to being tired. The time was very late. After shutting off the kerosene heater in the workshop, the creator had gone to retire for the night. While laying there, he was thinking on how to build his heat exchanger with a fail-safe device to avoid any carbon monoxide issues with-in the cabin section once built.

     During the creator's trip, he encountered many stops and goes due to the traffic conditions. He was amazed on how the traction control system if any, was handling his, "Thombogo Sunset Model 1996 Country Style Class" bike with out wiping out on the icy, slippery streets. As the creator approached a block away from the main hospital, he seen several auto crashes on the streets. This makes him wonder if riding around on a bicycle would be more simple to deal with rather than getting around in an auto. While passing by on the south-side of the main hospital, the creator almost lost his power activation key once again. The creator had noticed that, the key was laying on the grill above the out-put heater fan.

     The creator headed back out to the workshop feeling hope for his father's medical condition. The creator's mother, had high hopes for her husband's medical condition too. The creator was looking at the tools laying on the workbench in the workshop. He remembered his father using them during the past years. He thought to himself wondering if, his father would be able to be back out here again and pickup from where he had left off. The creator had no more of that subject to think about since the memories were getting to him.

     The next morning, the creator's mother was up and atom doing her routine. The creator slowly get up and did his usual morning routine. Once fully awake, the creator headed on outside to continue some more of his project. The heater was turned on and the creator continued to build the rest of his door. Off to the side, he came across a piano hinge which would work for the door. The hinge was in a beat up looking box with some wood sawdust on it. The piano hinge appeared to been never used. The creator managed to sand off the pit marks on the brass piano hinge. Several cabinet screws were used to anchor the door to the wooden framing.

     The creator pondered of the workbench. He was planning to get a start on the heat exchanger system. The creator this time, had all the material in front of him for construction. The creator had taken special metal cutters, a marker and other tools to his cut-outs. Once the all the metal cut-outs were finished, it then, was time to bend the metal into the shapes of parts which would be needed to assemble the heat exchanger system together. 

     The creator thought to himself that, with this estimated 15 to 20 BTU hand-made furnace, would be powerful enough to heat up anywhere between 16 to 20 cubic feet of volume space. The very last task for the creator to do was to run a pipe-like chimney along the right-rear side with-in the cabin to release any carbon monoxide gases. The creator felt that, this was a success however, he wasn't completely sure. The bike was taken off the suspension chains. The creator couldn't wait to try out his heated cabin bike on the long, two in-a-half mile long road once he knew his father was transferred in a few days. The creator was planning to surprise his father with his master piece.   
 The creator thought that, it was the north-wind pushing him back while heading northbound towards the rehab facility. The grinding noise got louder and louder. The creator figured that, the grinding noise had nothing to do with the wind but, had something to do with the slight resistance in the rear gear assembly. The creator was unable to put his finger on the question. The creator decided to ride across the middle-mile street until he approached the front section of the rehab facility. The building appeared to be a two-story, red-brick building with white pillars in the front resembling a semi-nursing home for elderly people. The creator felt somewhat uncomfortable to enter the building however, he wanted to see his father. 
      The creator couldn't believe that his bike was able to perform like that. In the the back of his head, he did however, wonder if it is because, he is forced to use bike to get around for his parents due to financial issues. He pulled into the driveway with the five gallon tank in his basket. After he got into the workshop with the, "Thombogo Sunset Model 1996 Country Style Class" bike, he pulled the bag of food out his coat. He walked into the house with the bag of food and eat with his mom for a while.  Both his mother and himself were thinking about, father being in the hospital. Prayers were made.
     The whole cabin was completed. Now, it was time to build the heat exchanger system. Most of the material was laid out on the workbench for the creator to study however, with the money saved up from his allowance, the creator was able to go out the next day to purchase the rest of the materials needed to build his heat exchanger system. The creator knew that, he had nowhere near the money if he had saved up for auto insurance per month anyway. He understood that, his parents had the insufficient means to help him since they paid for the family car to be repaired and the new furnace to be installed recently. Later that afternoon, a phone call from the hospital was picked up by the, creator's mother. His father was being transferred to a rehab facility said by their, family doctor. The creator felt excited when he heard about the call.
     The creator decided to open his door and get out. A valve was turned on to release the propane gas into the heating system. The creator had looked around but, didn't have the time to think about what other people would assume of him if, or when they would notice the advanced modifications made to his bike. The creator didn't know if other people out there, would understand the trauma and hardships which the, creator himself had to go through without the choice, to get around places without having vehicle of his own along with auto insurance. The creator walked up the heater tank. The creator had activated the electronic starter from inside the cabin after he got back in. The heating system was running while paddling away, into the snowy, icy streets of winter.

      The creator didn't mind removing the cabin off the bike's frame incase if he wanted to ride short distances with-in the neighborhood depending on weather conditions. If the weather was below 25 degrees and, if he needed to ride more then a mile in-a-half or more, reconnecting the cabin to the bike's framing would be a great idea. The creator had realized that, no one was going to bow down to him and give him money for an auto to have regardless, the trauma which he dealt with when he was in the hospital for having double pneumonia a few years back. The creator didn't want to breath that cold air again.