Pat Pend.
     While the creator was heading on home, the blizzard was increasing more and more. The creator could feel the cold snowflakes landing and melting on his eyes. The creator needed to squint his eyes while riding his bike to prevent any more further sight problems while concentrating on the road. At this point, the creator now, could feel the snowflakes bouncing off his eye lashes while squinting. The creator needed to switch gears to adjust to the different snow conditions. It was a whopper of a storm the creator thought. The creator had known about four-wheel drive vehicles having the advantage to navigate through snowy streets without the slipping and sliding unlike two-wheel drive vehicles. Could there be a bicycle with two-wheel drive instead of traditional rear single-wheel drive as the creator had thought.
     After being in the drugstore, the creator had purchased the medication. The creator had returned back to his bike realizing that it was going to take him a few minutes to locate his activation key. Without his activation key, he wouldn't be able to run the power to his bike. His head and tail lights would not operate in the dark for safety. The creator's hands were getting cold and numb. He needed to find his key somehow. After five minutes standing in the cold wind, he had that urge to go to the bathroom. Halfway through the store, he found his key for his bike. After his restroom break, he creator headed back outside of the store and headed on home.
     Later that afternoon, the creator's mother was getting better. The family doctor had called explaining about the creator's, father's medical condition. The creator's father was going to be transferred to a rehab facility across the street from the main hospital. The creator was in good spirit. The creator decided to return back outside to the workshop. The partial cabin was removed off the bike by disconnecting its docking clamps and the creator had taken off to his favorite park to relax. Since the cold weather conditions were mild with no wind at all, the creator was able sit at his swing and think on how to continue building his bicycle cabin.
     Before beginning his construction, the creator had flipped the switch to the kerosene heater in order to distribute heat into the workshop. The creator was not sure if this experiment of building bike cabin was going to work of not. First, he needed to start from the with rear section and then work his way down to the bicycle pedals. Along the way, the creator then worked from the right-hand rear side of the milk crate trunk to the right-side of the front panel board. Precision cuts and drilling were performed during the project. The creator wanted this cabin cover to be built strong and sturdy since he knew he would be using his bike very often in the future. Mother winter wasn't going anywhere soon as the creator thought.
    There was no time for the creator to continue working on his bicycle cabin until he got back from the gas station with the refill of fuel oil. Once again, the creator had to depend on his,  "Thombogo Sunset Model 1996 Country Style Class" bike to carry the 5-gallon plastic refill tank to the gas station in order to get the fuel oil refill. Once again, the creator had to remove the cabin off the bike. The creator pulled his bike out of the garage and placed the empty tank in the milk crate. The creator pulled the Thombogo Sunset Model 1996 Country Style Class" bike into the patio from the workshop. Before the creator had pulled his bike into the driveway, he closed the family van's hood and had gone back into the patio to get his bike. He had look back at the family van realizing that he would have no time to fix the carburetor while riding away.

     The nurse had walked into the room. It was time for the creator's father to sleep. The creator had left and said goodbye to his father. The creator found his way back to the hospital's east-side parking lot. The creator had got on his, Thombogo Sunset Model 1996 Country Style Class" bike and pondered for a few moments. The creator felt some inspiration after his father had explained to him about his mother's common condition and what could be done with the medical issue. The creator is hoping that, his father will pull through just as much as his mother would.

     Later that evening, the creator was planning to continue his project in his father's workshop. After a few moments spent in the workshop, the heater had shut off due to running out of kerosene fuel oil in its tank. The creator would have to go out to the local gas station down the street to get some fuel oil. He had rummaged around the workshop and found what appeared to be a heavy-duty, plastic utility tank. The creator figured that, with this five-gallon tank, that would be enough fuel oil to heat up the workshop for at least ten hours. His mother was in no condition to drive the family car due her current medical issue. She was still recovering from her migraine headache. Even though, if the creator's mother was able to drive the family car, she would had refused to bring home the fuel oil utility re-fill tank knowing that, it could leak all over the seats and on the family car's interior fabric causing the kerosene odor to be disbursed inside the family car. 

     While spending a couple of hours with his mother that late evening, the creator made a bowl of soup for his mother. He made some basic food combinations which would help her easily consume on her stomach with-out any miss-haps. The creator's mother was unable to get out of her bed to head into the kitchen. She was afraid of releasing her food uncontrollably all over her bedroom carpet. After contacting the family doctor, the family doctor had recommended and prescribed what medications for the creator's mother to take. The creator knew that, if there was going to be a way to get his mother's prescriptions at the local drug store, he would need to depend once again, on his, Thombogo Sunset Model 1996 Country Style Class" bike to get him there in the cold weather.

As the creator had passed, half-way through the south-side of the hospital on the street, an ambulance drove by, heading into the opposite direction. It had reminded him that night when his father was taken in an ambulance. The creator had turn his head to face west when a cold snow flake had gone into his eye due to a blizzard storm forming. The wind from the storm was picking up more and more. The creator had a three mile journey in which to ride to back to home from the hospital. The creator needed to find ways to handle his, Thombogo Sunset Model 1996 Country Style Class" bike. The creator was switching his gears while breaking on the street to avoid any type of wipe out in the slippery snowy streets and wind. The creator knew himself that, without a vehicle of his own to protect him from a collision with another vehicle, he would be physically damaged costing him money due to ambulance and hospital fees of his own to pay. He had to depend on his bike to get him safely to home. Someone needed to be there for their mother.

     The time was getting late that evening. The drug store was going to be closing at a certain time that very night. The creator needed to get there in time to purchase his mother's prescription. The creator had walked into the workshop to get his bike out. While walking his bike out, he was calculating on how long it would take to get to drug store using the, Thombogo Sunset Model 1996 Country Style Class" versus walking on foot. Riding the bike would cut the time by one-third rather walking in foot. If the creator had walked on foot to the drug store, he would estimate of being five to six minutes late after closing. When he arrived at the drug store, his time calculations were reasonably correct. 

     The creator wouldn't know where he would be without his, Thombogo Sunset Model 1996 Country Style Class" bike. The creator remembered during the past months when he had, gone through other hardships using his bike. The storm was getting weaker by the time the creator got home with his mother's prescriptions. The creator mother had taken her medication and had drifted to dreamland. The creator had walked out of his mother's room while thinking about his father in the hospital. Without his three siblings around, who would be there to take care of their both parents if the creator, their son didn't? The nightly winter wind hollowed through the night while creator had gone to his room to think of his both parents. The creator laid there in his bed thinking of what his both parents would be doing at this point if, he himself had a girlfriend, had car and was busy working. The creator had gone to sleep after thinking about that.
     Fixing up the family van would be a hopeless case based on what the creator's father had explained to him in the hospital about it. The creator shifted into first-gear drive and kept on going. More and more did the creator relay on his bike. After riding his bike a mile down the busy main street, the creator came across what would known as a fast-food restaurant which is also known, for its yellow, "arches" located somewhere, along the east-side of the busy street. The creator looked at his mother's note on a piece of paper to see what burger meals she wanted him to purchase. The creator figured that, he was at the right restaurant since the names of some meals would related to the trademarks of the restaurant. After getting his order, the creator had to place the bag of food up inside his coat since there was no room in the basket. The five-gallon tank had taken up the whole basket. The next stop was to the gas station. The creator spent a few minutes at the gas station while fueling up. The tank was full at about forty to fifty pounds. With the special way the, "Thombogo Sunset Model 1996 Country Style Class" bike framing was modified, it was able to handle the weight without the wheels slipping on the snow. The bike was able handle on the street while going over some patches of black ice. The creator made it all the way home.
      The creator had spent an hour with his father in the observation room. His son helped him take his daily meal at his bed. The father and the son had a talk regarding the creator's job future. The creator's father was unable to predict his medical condition. Was the creator's father going to beat the unknown disease or not?  The creator had pulled up a seat and wanted to listen to what his father needed to say. After helping unravel the IV tubes and electrodes from around his father's both arms, the creator's father had turned over to the other side of the hospital bed to face at his son. The creator's father told him to begin looking for some type of a job as soon as possible incase if he doesn't pull through. 
     After a three mile journey through the snowy blizzard, the creator made it home to his mother. The creator had pulled into the driveway. He could the see the snow dunes forming in the driveway from the wind. The creator could see that, this was going to be one heck of a storm. After listing to the weather station, the creator had found out that, some areas were going to be impossible to drive through using certain vehicles. After the creator had listen to the weather report on his radio, he parked his, Thombogo Sunset Model 1996 Country Style Class" bike in the workshop. The creator could taken a public bus to get home from visiting his father at the hospital  however, it might had taken him the same equal amount of time or more to get home by using public transportation..
     The creator had sat there on his swing and thought up a vision regarding his bicycle cabin. Once the cabin is built, there would be no cold wind kicked up into his face. There would be no more cold snow and/or sleet being thrown at his eyes. The creator wouldn't have to worry about breathing the cold, frost bitten, winter air while riding his, Thombogo Sunset Model 1996 Country Style Class" bike since a onboard heater would be built to warm up the cabin. The creator was in enough memory trauma since, he had his double pneumonia a few years previous due to breathing cold winter air along with other issues which started the, double pneumonia in the first place. The creator wanted to swing for a while before returning back to home. The creator was able to come up with more ideas on how the build the heat exchanger system..

      The next morning, the creator had that idea. The creator was getting tired and frustrated of dealing with the wrath of the cold weather. There was going to be an experiment performed on the, Thombogo Sunset Model 1996 Country Style Class" bike. With his father in the hospital and his mother temporally out of commission, the creator decided to set most of his concentration to his bike. The bike was placed next to the work table. The creator taken a little trip inside the workshop to seek materials for the bike. Pieces plywood were found along with sticks of pine wood used for the framing. The creator came across a box wood screws, nails and plexi-glass for the job.