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Pat Pend.
As the days had gone by, the creator's father had intentions of saving
up for new van while using the his current van. In some cases, if or
when a job opportunity had kicked in for the creator, he would be able
to share and take turns using his father's family van. As for the creator's
mother's family car, the Thunderbird had a serious engine overheating problem
and it couldn't be driven for long periods of time otherwise, the engine would
stall on the street each time. What was wrong with the family car? |
Somehow, the creator needed to relay on some type of transportation. The creator
had known that, something was already wrong when his mother and father
didn't have any financial means to loan the money for a car or at least
buy a used car for the creator's graduation. Unlike his three older
siblings, they were all in the same around age group when any of them
needed help from each other during peer pressure. The creator however
didn't have that luxury. Why couldn't they save up for their baby
brother, the creator? The weeks would go by. Some calls from job
offerings came through. |
The jobs which the creator had signed up for were interested to
interview him. It was just a matter of time when he was asked to come
in for each interview. The next day after Independence day of 1995, the
creator had plans to go to his very first interview. His parents where
so proud of him that, they had given him some money to buy parts to
repair his bicycle. If there was going to be job for the creator to go
to everyday, the creator would be better off at least, riding a bike
to get to his new job rather wasting time if he was walking on foot to
During that afternoon, the creator had sat down to make repairs to
his ten-speed mountain bike. It had take him only and hour to
complete his repairs. The bike was repaired and read to go. He was
off to his first job interview to be possibly a janitor at the auto sales
building. The creator had arrived in time and ask for the manager who
wanted to interview him. The creator had met with the manager and
both of them had sit down in the auto sales office. The interviewing
manager had read the
creator's application and his resume. Everything appeared to be in
order for the creator but, was the general sales manager who was interviewing
the creator being honest deciding on who to hire? Thirteen years in school
from kindergarten to a high school diploma, over eight-teen (18) years
old along with no restrictions as the criminal part of law would go.
Not married and no children. The general sales manager had placed
the creator's papers down on his desk and he said that, he would
call the him once he made his hiring decision based on other candidates as
well. The creator had got up from his chair and left to go back
home. |
A week later another place had called the creator to come in. This
was the electronic shop located at the corner of the mini / strip
mall. About two days after that, the creator road his mountain
bike to the electronics store. Under the store was a huge basement
where other candidates were also waiting to be interviewed too.
The creator sat at a table waiting to be called. The creator had
seen people coming and going during interviews. He would see
people leaving to go home. Each person would get called in the
order their applications were filled out. Other candidates would
get up from their chairs and then walk to whom called their
name out. About seven (7) to eight (8) minutes would go by, those
same people or candidates would walk back out of the rooms and
then go up the stairs. The creator had sat there for an hour in
the room until his full name was called. This is an orientation
room of some kind where new electronic devices each month are
introduced to the current employees. |
The creator had
strong interests in electronics hoping that he would get the job which
he needed. The creator's interview began. As like the last interviewer, the general auto sales manager who
had interviewed the creator at the auto sales building, this person had
just about the same approach. The creator had answered as many questions
as he could including some challenging questions as well. The creator's
interview was finished. The person who interviewed him had given him a
card the with the big red, "R" which stamped over the name of
their district manager's name and said that, this person will call
you. The creator was excited. After that, the creator had walk out the
door and up the stairs to go home. |
Another week or two had gone by. There was one month to go until
the children would go back to school for the 1995 fall season. There were times,
which the creator's
father wasn't in the mood to go out sometimes to get stuff from the
grocery store or to run errands. Sometimes the creator would be asked
by his both parents to go on his bike to get food and other stuff
for his both parents. The creator had known that his
mother and his father liked going out in the family van sometimes. The creator
was lucky to have his own mountain bike repaired by himself a few
months back otherwise, he would be unable to go to his job interviews and
to get other stuff for his parents as well. With the creator's siblings
out of the house, the creator's both parents needed to relay on the
creator sometimes. His father was slowing getting the run down
feeling more often. |
Another call had come through. There was another interview for the
creator to attend to. He attended to the factory for an interview
and so on. He was asked to go home and that, he would be called. The
pizza place from the strip / mini mall had called him. They wanted
to interview him. What the creator didn't notice is that, even though
he had installed a new tube in his rear tire, both of his tires were
wearing out. It appeared to have about fifty (50) more miles to go according
to what the tire treads would indicate. It was either to use the
budget money to buy some of gas for his father's van or buy
both bicycle tires for the creator's mountain bike. The creator's
father was losing some interest of using his van so, the creator's
father give him money for him to buy his bike tires. Something wasn't right
about the creator's father. No interest of driving his van. This particular
van was custom built by the auto factory which it came from
according to his father's specifications. It had double gas tanks,
super heavy suspension for heavy hauling with a 351 engine. The
wooden interior was personally built by the creator's father
himself. This van was his father's pride and joy. Why was he slowing
beginning to give up driving his van? |
The creator had replaced the
old bike tires with new bike tires. The mountain bike was ready to
roll once again. The creator did know that, if one of his tires
had popped, he wouldn't be able to relay on his parents or any
one else to drive him around unlike if he had car of his own. As the
weeks had gone by into the fall season, the van had sat for weeks
in the driveway. There were times that, his father would give his
son, the creator the keys to start the van. This would at least
keep the engine at running state with out the battery and other
parts going bad on it. The creator needed to place a house brick on the gas pedal
to keep the idle at an even pace with out the engine dying out.
With the cooler weather setting in, the van would need maintenance
checks more often since it had to sit out in the cold mid-west elements of the weather. |
Winter of 1995 was here. The creator's
father was doing ok but, not really up to par as his ambition level
would go. As the days had gone on, the creator's mother too, was getting
more concerned about her husband's health. The 1995 Christmas season had
arrived and passed with good family memories. The creator was already
convinced beyond doubt that, his parents were unable to give him a car
for a Christmas / Graduation combination present. As for the creator and his job
status, other employment places which the creator had applied in the
past weeks and months, were unable to call or just didn't call at all.
The creator did the right thing by calling these job places or going over to
them again to reapply. The first place he returned was the first factory located next the
train yard. At this point, with his concern, he was not going to let the
cold weather get in his way while riding his bike regardless that he had
no medical coverage at this point. |
The creator know that something was not
right in the job market when he had seen that, Hispanic janitor walking with the
floor scrubber passing him by at the auto sales building. He was unable
to put his finger on it. The creator's father had picked up his head and
looked at his son. He told the creator, his son, "to not worry, stay home
until the spring season will come back and look for a job then, right now
talk care of me and your mother" was his words. The next day after new year's day, the
creator's father had given the creator some money to pick up some things
at the grocery store. The creator's father also asked his son, to take a
milk crate or a cardboard box with to carry the food back home. The
creator had known some of the guys who were working at the grocery
store. Some of them too had graduated from another high school which
their district number was the same as the high school where the creator had graduated from. These
were friends which the creator had known for some time after high
school. There were times that, he asked them what their secret was. How
did they get their jobs without dealing with the current struggle which
the creator was currently dealing with at the time. There other times
which the creator would lock up his bike at the grocery store and then,
he would notice some of their cars parked on the parking lot. Ok, some
cars were owned by their parents but, how did they get the jobs to begin
Later on that day, on the second of January
of 1996, the creator knew that some of his friends didn't know on how
lucky they are that, they have an auto to get them around especially if
they needed to cart stuff around. At his later age of eighteen years old going on
nineteen, they had seemed to have a head start on life already unlike
the creator. All of the creator's siblings normally had cars before they
were eighteen years old. How did this make the creator feel being left
out like that? Anyway, while ridding his bike back home from the grocery
store, the
creator had hit a hidden bump under the snow and then slipped on some
black ice in the street and fell of his mountain bike along with the
boxes of groceries.
There had been other
jobs beside the examples on the map which the creator had applied at.
The creator had applied at a hospital to be whatever the qualifications
wouldn't effect his status or his job credentials . The creator didn't
have a degree to be doctor or to apply for other positions that required
a degree of some kind. How could the creator save up for collage rather
saving up to get his father's van repaired. His father wasn't taking
care of his own van like he usually would and once again, the creator
needed to save up money to have his father's van repaired. There was
another job which the creator had set forth to apply at. This job was at
a golf range to be a golf caddie. The cold season wasn't completely here
yet but, the creator wanted to take that chance anyway. The creator
would pick up golf balls off the ground at the end of each golfer's
session. There was a girl who was the creator's love during high school.
She had asked her mother if he could get a job at the plastics factory
where her mother works. This was a factory
were plastic is molded into items to be shipped to stores for
selling. The creator knew her mother very well and liked her and wanted
to get job working there. The method is that, if you know someone, use them as a referral. The creator had taken
upon himself to do just that. This was another place who might call the
creator for a job interview. |
He walked into the places
which he had applied in the past asking questions about his qualifications.
All that was told to him was, positions were filled. Filled by whom, as
the creator had asked. He was told, sorry, can not help you, reapply in
six months or some thing to those words. The creator had scratched his head
each time and had walk out of the buildings. At this point, the creator
gone back to the first factory where he also had applied at. The were allot of cars and trucks in the
company's parking lot. Who was working here? These creator had walked up
to one of the factory windows. Beyond the quarter inch thick glass,
there seemed to be two (2) main ethnic groups of people working with the
machines. One group of people appeared to be from the far south-west,
outside the country. Some of them were wearing straw hats on their
heads. The creator didn't see anyone else who was related to his ethnic
appearance. The second group of people which he had noticed appeared to
be descendents from the ancient days of the tribes. Again, was that lawyer
trying to tell the creator something about job diversity and saving
money for the companies?
The creator had gone back to that auto sales
building to meet up with that general auto sales manager. The creator
road his bike over there. The creator wanted to know about his job
status over there. When he arrived there, that manager wasn't around in
the office however, the creator did see who was doing the work as the
new janitor as he passed the creator up in the hallway while heading
back out of the manager's office to go home. It was a man with dark
orange like skin with a black mustache wearing one of those straw hats
on his head just like some of the people from the factory. The creator
didn't know what to think. Did this man have children? Was this man
married? With those two possible facts, did he have more qualifications
than the creator? What can the creator say or do? The creator
had ridden home to face the music. |
With traffic going
back and forth on the street that day, no buddy but, no buddy had made
any attempt to stop and get out of their cars to help the creator up off
the sidewalk. With a bruised kneecap, one of the foot pedals broken off
and a front wheel flat, the creator had to get up on his own and walk
the bike with the box of groceries home in the snow. The creator had
thought to himself, is this how much drivers admire having a car to get
around rather helping someone who is at need on the street? |
The creator's parents had celebrated the 1996 new year. With not that
much financial means, to go out and celebrate, the creator and his
parents all sat down to watch some of the new years celebrations on
television that
were going on in different parts of the countries and in other countries
as well. The creator had picked up his head and thought about his mountain
bike. He looked at both of parents to think about something. With an
unknown medical condition which was developing in his father's both
legs, his father needed to get around in a wheel chair. His father had
some trouble using his both legs to use for walking and driving. With
his father's right leg not responding to stand up unlike his left
leg, this was another issue on why his father was unable to use the both
gas and break pedals in his van to drive. This would cause a
serious accident on the road and his father could get hurt and die if he
was driving his van. This was on the creator's mind from day to day. |
One new year's day, this was the first time
which the creator had noticed his father sitting for the first time in
wheel chair in the house. The creator was working up a brain storm. The
creator had looked at his father's legs. Then, the creator had looked at
his own legs and notched how well-built his legs are from all the past
bike riding that he has done. He looked at his father's wheel chair. He
had studied the way the wheel chair was built. The creator had came up
with a new-years resolution. He stated to his both parents that, he
doesn't know how or when but, he well create something with the thought
he had in his head which would be virtually free to drive, ride or
operate without eating so many nickels and dimes unlike having an auto
to get around. The creator himself had described to his both parents on
how difficult he had been having that no job was being offered to him to
work at. Was there something wrong with the economy or the job market? |
With the money he had, he was able to
purchase a tube to replace his popped wheel. Why was it popped?
Due to the common mid-western weather, the streets in the area are
known to expand and retract during hot the and colds seasons causing
cracks and unexpected holes to form in the street. These are the type
of holes which might not be seen in time while riding a bicycle and it
would be too late to stop in time to avoid a popped tube and a busted
bicycle rim. As the creator heard from time to time, some car drivers
out there don't know the luxury they have in the long run while they
can get around in a car in the mid-western weather's climate unlike
the other people who are unable to afford or/and finance a vechical.
Another part which the creator had
purchased was the sprocket chain for the gears. Why? During the
mid-western cold season, salt rocks are laid on the street to melt the
snow. Allot of times depending how heavy the salt content is, the salt
would kick up from the tire's tread and would collect on the sprocket
chain and the moving gears while riding a bike. This would happen to
bicycles which have shifting gears such as commonly known, as the ten-speed
bicycle. The
joints in the sprocket chain are being slowly eaten away
causing deterioration an ageing. At one point, if a certain amount of
foot pressure is applied on the pedals, the sprocket chain can easily
snap off without any prediction at all causing a repair bill. Oil can
be applied to the sprocket chain however, bike ridding would be more
preferred during the warm season.
The creator had thought about all of the
bicycle repairs which he had repetitiously experienced
over the past years. He knew himself that a bicycle with just two
single gears alone would be ok since there would less moving parts to
deal with. In his case, he wouldn't have the speed which he would need
to get around from place to place in a hurry. With the warm season present, this would be his
best opportunity to ride around to his interviews as quick as